Achievements since last year’s Budget
August 2023 – Release of Our equal state: Victoria's gender equality strategy and action plan.
February 2024 – First reporting of gender impact assessments under Gender Equality Act 2020.
May 2024 – Financial Management Amendment (Gender Responsive Budgeting) Bill 2024 introduced to Parliament.
Our equal state
Our equal state, released in August 2023, is Victoria’s strategy for action and investment in gender equality for the next four years.
We know that gender inequality affects women at every age. This is why Our equal state takes a life-stage approach to gender equality. By focusing on children and young people, adults and older adults, the strategy highlights the gendered gaps in opportunities and expected pathways between women, men and gender-diverse people throughout their lives.
The strategy also recognises that not everyone experiences gender inequality in the same way. Gender inequality exists alongside other forms of discrimination and disadvantage, including racism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia and classism.
This strategy outlines a bold plan of 110 actions in five focus areas that the Government will use to continue improving gender equality in Victoria.
Responding to the Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women
Our equal state’s foundations were formed by the Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women.
The Inquiry, established in 2021, sought to find solutions for persistent problems of economic equity, such as unequal pay and workplace barriers to women’s success.
The Inquiry’s 31 recommendations and 26 findings pointed to critical issues in the systemic undervaluation of women’s contributions in the home, workplace and community.
Our equal state looks to a future where the achievements of women are celebrated and valued by society.