A message from the Minister for Women and the Treasurer
As a government, we are determined to build a fairer, more equal Victoria for women and girls.
Importantly, this Budget continues not only our commitment – but our action and investment.
We’ve made some important improvements here in Victoria – with a strong and progressive gender equality agenda.
But the truth is gender inequality continues to be an everyday experience for women, here and around the world.
It means statistically, women are likely to be paid less, experience violence and discrimination more, and have their abilities and experiences overlooked.
These issues are compounded for women of colour, women with disability, and people with diverse gender identities and sexualities.
We know that our state is stronger and more successful when women and girls have the opportunities they deserve.
It’s why Victoria is proud to lead the nation in fighting for a fairer future.
This includes our groundbreaking Royal Commission to end family violence – the first of its kind in Australia.
Our investments to embed respect in our schools and communities. Our action to make sure women are given the economic security they deserve. And our serious focus on women’s health.
We also established the first Commissioner for Gender Equality in the Public Sector, a role that will promote and improve gender equality for public sector workers, who comprise around 11% of the Victorian workforce.
Much of this work is only possible because our Government has women’s voices at its heart.
Of course, we know that work must continue.
Last year, we released our long-term plan to make sure women and girls are treated equally in Victoria.
This year, we’ll become the first jurisdiction in Australia to make gender responsive budgeting law.
Gender responsive budgeting recognises that as far as we’ve come, there is still a long way to go in the fight towards equality.
It will ensure the impacts of our decisions are taken into account at every stage of the budget process. And, crucially, it means the issues that affect women and girls will be given the focus and funding they deserve.
From economic security to elevating women’s health, the Victorian Budget 2024/25 continues our work to achieve a fairer future for Victorian
women and girls.
The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP Minister for Women | Tim Pallas MP Treasurer |