Helping Families | Victorian Budget 2024/25

This is my first Budget as Premier.

And I’m proud to say, it’s a Budget that’s all about helping families.

Right now, things are tough for a lot of Victorian families.

Interest rates are higher, and the cost of groceries and everything else continues to go up.

The costs of learning - things like uniforms, camps and excursions can really add up.

That’s why we’re helping families with our $400 School Saving Bonus.

It’ll take pressure off the family budget and make sure kids have everything they need to learn.

We want our kids to be happy and healthy.

It’s why in this Budget, we’re making sure kids can be active.

And supporting more young Victorians to play the sport they love, by helping families with the cost of memberships, uniforms and equipment.

Family life can get very busy.

It’s why we’re helping families by providing free vision tests and free glasses for kids who need them.

Like our Smile Squad’s free dental checkups, it’ll save families money and the hassle of getting kids to appointments.

It’s a small thing but it’ll make a big difference to young learners.

Helping them be their best in the classroom and outside it.

We promised to build 100 new schools for our growing suburbs, by 2026.

In this Budget, we’re delivering on our promise.

Building brand-new schools with the very best classrooms, playgrounds, learning spaces and sports grounds for Victorian kids.

We’re also upgrading schools.

Supporting young Victorians on their education pathway.

And investing in our teachers.

Free Kinder helps some of our youngest Victorians get a great start in life and saves families up to $2,500 dollars every year.

This Budget invests to keep delivering Free Kinder for families, making sure they get that important cost of living relief.

We’re also upgrading kinders, giving our littlest of learners great spaces to learn and play.

In this Budget, we’re making the biggest multi-year investment in our healthcare system in our state’s history.

We’re continuing our support for our paramedics and the care Victorians deserve.

As a Government, we’ve been investing in our hospitals and health care workers.

This Budget continues that support.

Building world-class facilities to keep looking after patients, and their families.

We’re also looking after new parents and their bubs.

And making sure vulnerable and older Victorians get the care they deserve.

As Minister for Transport Infrastructure, I got to deliver on our state’s Big Build.

We’re removing level crossings, and continuing work on the Suburban Rail Loop and the North East Link.

And as Premier, it’s my incredible privilege to make sure the West Gate Tunnel and the Metro Tunnel are ready for day one, when they open next year.

Alongside our Big Build our Big Housing Build will deliver more social and affordable homes for Victorians in need.

With this Budget, we’re working hard to ensure more Victorians have a home.

And better protect Victorians who are building a home.

Energy bills put a big strain on household budgets.

So we’re helping more Victorians switch to energy-efficient hot water systems, cutting their power costs.

This Budget is also about setting our state up for the future, investing in the skilled workers we need for tomorrow, today.

Already, our free nursing and free teaching degrees are encouraging Victorians to take up these rewarding careers.

And Free TAFE has helped thousands of Victorians train and re-train, without paying a cent.

This Budget builds on that work, with more support for TAFE and the workers we need for our future.

I’m proud to live in Bendigo, and I know regional Victorians deserve the best schools, world-class care and secure jobs close to home.

As a government, we’ve made big investments to back regional communities and create thousands of jobs.

In this Budget, we’ll keep investing in the projects and services that matter to regional families.

That means even better schools.

Better hospitals.

Better roads.

Upgraded sports facilities.

And investing in the things that make regional Victoria so special.

Victorians know how to come together in an emergency and the difference our first responders make.

Fires, floods and extreme weather are happening more and more, so this Budget funds the tools and technology we need to keep communities safe.

We’re also investing to keep women and children safe, building on the work we’ve already done delivering the recommendations of the Royal Commission.

With funding for family violence refuges, specialist support, and early intervention.

These are the things that matter to Victorian families.

With this Budget, we’re delivering cost of living help investing in the services and support that Victorians rely on.

And setting our state up for a strong future.

This is a Budget and a Government that is all about helping families.
