Together with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, we established Australia’s first formal truth-telling process, the Yoorrook Justice Commission, in 2021.
This Budget invests $273 million in First Peoples’ self-determination and support, building on our existing $1.9 billion commitment. This includes:
- $51 million to support the future of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Victoria, increasing Aboriginal-led decision making in education, and increasing knowledge and understanding of our state’s history.
- $42 million to protect Aboriginal cultural heritage, including funding for Registered Aboriginal Parties and the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council.
- $41 million to enable increased Traditional Owner access to water and decision making in water management.
- $16 million to support Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to reduce First Nations peoples’ interactions with the justice system and to support Aboriginal women and families experiencing family violence.
- $13 million to the Framlingham and Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trusts for essential services and infrastructure upgrades.
- $11 million for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to deliver an expanded statewide Culture and Kinship program and better support their clients.
- $8.6 million for programs to address economic disparity for Aboriginal communities, including Yuma Yirramboi, supporting our commitment to Closing the Gap.
- $6.8 million to support the extension of the Yoorrook Justice Commission as the formal truth-telling process with Aboriginal Victorians, and the Government’s engagement with the process.
- $4.5 million to improve the ethical standards of health, medical and wellbeing research for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through the delivery of marra ngarrgoo, marra goorri: the Victorian Aboriginal Health, Medical and Wellbeing Research Accord.
- $4 million to deliver paediatric services by the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service, which has provided medical care to hundreds of Aboriginal children since 2021.
- $2.2 million to continue joint land management of the Barmah National Park in partnership with the Yorta Yorta people.
- $1.7 million to support the representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, the Koorie Youth Council. The Council includes 100 First Nations young people and 20 Aboriginal-led organisations as a voice to government.
- $400,000 for training and tools to extend the Government’s partnership with Kinaway Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce and Social Traders.